Friday 16 November 2012


October was a busy month with Gareth being away in Everest for half of it. Nefin and I managed fine and made sure we kept busy with playdates every day.

Modeling daddy's Arlow toques

Out for suishi!

Practicing sitting in my high chair. 

Pool day with Mummy

Being naughty at bedtime

Play date with Abby

Crying because he misses daddy

Preparation for Hallowe'en

Daddy and Nefin in matching Monkey hats made by me

A family of monkeys

Perfect advert for a Pepsi commercial

Macritchie Reservoir

Gardens by the Bay

Thursday 15 November 2012

Langkawi, Malaysia

We took a trip to Langkawi, Malaysia mid September just to get away from the city-life for a few days. Here are a few pictures of our weekend away...